"Founder Cras Reveals The Secrets On
How To Sell Beats Effortlessly"
... Click play and watch the video below if you didn't get any beat sales
** Now read on if you want help to drastically level up your producer business
Attention: Concrete Practice Planning
For Self-Taught Producers
I'll get straight to the point...
..If you're getting frustrated with learning just about everything under the sun and still seeing you didn't get any beat sales, I'd like to help..
...This week we're offering 20... *6* one-on-one 'fast track' strategy sessions for self-taught producers who would like to TOTALLY TRANSFORM their producer business once and for all...
Here are the broad strokes:
☑️ We are doing these personally ONE-ON-ONE, therefore availability is extremely limited and given on a FIRST-COME FIRST- SERVED basis only...
☑️ I know you're tired of (and don’t have time for) juggling 500 different producer courses, DVDs, YouTube videos, 531 technique exercises etc… So we're going to PERSONALLY help you consolidate EVERYTHING down into ONE SINGLE, 6 week practice plan that I guarantee will have you get consistent beat sales...
☑️ If you're one of my customers or subscribers (meaning you got an email inviting you here) then this session is 100% FREE**… If you somehow randomly stumbled on this page and want to do a 'fast track' session, the cost is $97. (**One session per producer though)
Let's Figure Out Why You Haven't Get Any Beat Sales And Exactly What To Do About It
It's said that insanity is 'doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result'...
... So before you spend another hour, running those scales, memorizing that theory, doing those 'technique exercises'...
Maybe you need someone to look at the big picture and help you realize why that stuff isn't translating for you, the way it should...
...So starting today we're on a new mission to PERSONALLY help 5,000 producers beat the rut they seem hopelessly stuck in and actually become real life dope producers...
For now, this is a side project that I'll try to work this into my usual schedule -- But honestly, I don't think I can do more than 20 ... 6 'fast track' strategy session this week.
So if you're interested book one NOW...
It's 100% Free | First Come First Served | ** 1 Per Producer **
But This Honestly Is Not For Everyone.
Here's Who We Can Best Help
I'm not going to insult your intelligence and pretend to have all the answers...
But if you're primarily interested in being a versatile beat producer who is flat out one of the most valuable artists that collab with...
...Then there is a good chance the plan I will lay out will work like crazy.
Specifically if you are;
❗ ...Tired of feeling like you're not a dope producer
❗ ...Frustrated by putting in real, genuine effort learning and practicing and not seeing very much improvement in your producer business.
❗ ... Confused and lacking clarity concerning what's next and why all the great advice, theory and scale exercises are not working for you...
❗ ... Overwhelmed by an ever-growing complex courses that you are likely never gonna get through with your schedule..
❗ ... Done with hopping from program to program, mentor to mentor, video lesson to video lesson and still not getting anyhwere.
... Then I encourage you to reach out for FREE and get some help streamlingin this whole process into a singular, A-Z, PRACTICAL PLAN -- Because quite honestly it DOESN'T have to be this complicated.
So Here's How To Get My Help For FREE!
It's really very simple actually.
If you watched the video at the top of this page and want to find out exactly how you individually can create real, noticeable transformation in your producer business that bring you to the next level...
...AND you fit the qualifications above, then just click the button below to book a session for yourself.
It's 100% Free | First Come First Served | ** 1 Per Producer **
There's a short application form where you tell me the big problems in your producer business that you want to fix...
If I believe you are a good fit and I have some advice that will be helpful to you, then we’ll meet one-on-one either by phone or skype...
...We’ll look under the hood and see what your ideal producin situation is... How much time you can afford to learn weekly...
...What big problem you need help with etc and I’ll outline an A-Z plan for you that I think will help you get there a lot faster and with a lot less steps than you’ve been made to believe.
It's that simple...
...If you'd like to finally stop spinning your wheels and really become a dope producer artist genuinely want to collab with, I’d love to help...
But Why Is This Free?
Well first off it's only free if you got an invitation email bringing you here.
But to be fully transparent I'm hoping that after I spend time with you outlining your new "producer transformation game plan", maybe you will be motivated to;
☑️ …Use our resources to implement the plan whether that includes working on your technique, developing your beat making etc…
☑️ …Tell a friend and ultimately bring us some more business…
But if not, that’s ok too... There’s no pressure to do either…
(Honestly I think we’d be better as a species if we didn’t always need an ‘upside’ to help people if we can…)
So if you want my help, I’m here while my calendar has availability.
But remember, I can only do 20 ...6 'fast track' sessions this week... So click the button below to secure one for yourself now.
It's 100% Free | First Come First Served | ** 1 Per Producer **
Thanks for reading and hopefully we get to speak soon...
PS. The first step in solving a problem is CORRECTLY DIAGNOSING exactly what is wrong... So please, don't continue to waste your valuable time just "throwing stuff against the wall" to see what sticks...
...If you've been doing "all the right stuff" and none of it is really moving the needle in your producer business then let's talk...