You got your beat site all setup!
Now what??
How do you make your mark?
How do you get your beats in front of the PAYING rappers?
We all know those rappers that mean well…
They want to give you “album credit”
Only problem is last time I checked, the bank didn’t accept:
“Album credit” deposits….
Only cash…
And you know Cash is the only way that’ll make it possible for you to make beats 24/7
All day… without needing a 9 to 5…
So it’s kinda critical…
I know it sucks to have to think about marketing and business, but face it.
If you don’t take this part serious, then you’ll never ever be free
And I don’t want that for you…
I want you to understand the system…
So here’s 3 Tips to Get Your Beat Site Poppin Asap!
Tip #1
A huge Mistake most producers make is NOT having their picture on their BeatSite.
People connect with people, not logos, make sure your face is one of the first things they see
They will remember you more and your beats will have more depth
It’s a huge mistake to think it’s not important to show yourself, brand yourself…rappers won’t connect or remember a logo
Tip #2
Here’s a Dope Way to Enjoy Marketing Yourself with your beatsite
Make videos of you making beats and explaining the thought process behind the beat
Also talk about what type of raps or concepts you hear being rapped on the beat
You’ll give your rappers ideas and they’ll find it super simple to write dope music to your beats
You’ll be giving them the entire idea for the song which is half the battle for a rapper
Tip #3
How To Capture the Name and Email of the rapper on your beatsite
Offer them a free beat snippet, or a free snippet pack of beats to listen to
Send it directly to their email
Why? Because it’s easy to stream music and doesn’t form a lasting connection
By making the rapper download your music, they’re investing more time and energy into guess who? YOU!
Take these 3 tips and apply them on your beatsite today!
You’ll experience more time spent and attention on your beats from rappers that are
Searching for producers to link up with that not only have good beats, but also have their business together.
Remember, a good beat will do them good, but having someone behind them that can get the job done,
Get them the files they need, and make sure the project gets finished is almost, if not MORE important,
Than just the TALENT!
That’s why you see so many people winning that may not be as TALENTED as you are!
Hustle beats talent, when talent fails to Hustle!
Put these into action today!
PS – If you don’t have your own beatsite yet, and you’re being held hostage on a profile page of some other music company,
Click here and get a beatsite completed and launched for you in less than 72 hours!