that's a question i hear very often and I want to give you the answer right now....
the reason i want to answer it is because i also feel that's a myth i think a lot of people have in their mind.
Well I guess I’ll start with the answer…
Did I get help or did I get signed….
And the answer is……
No one is going to ever do anything "for" you.....
i got here on my own and along the way, you meet people that YOU may end up
helping FIRST, that in turn, will help you out down the line for them to help open a door for you…
But in terms of HELP…people never really HELP…they can lead the way or show u how to do it, but u gotta help YOURSELF...
often times we're in a state of "waiting for our opportunity" and that's paralyzing...
it's also extremely weakening because it places people in a mode where they think
they have to wait and wait and wait, or "pay their dues" before someone comes
and saves them.
it doesn't work like that....
you gotta save yourself.....
you gotta arm yourself with knowledge and also get a mentor...
someone who can show you the ropes and coach you to tell you what to do and
what not to do...
this way, you can avoid making mistakes and the same mistakes over and over again,
thinking you're going down the right path, when the truth is you're getting no where....
what is your main problem?
and what are you trying to achieve?
and what are you doing to achieve your goal, and where do you get stuck?
Answering all these honestly will allow you to move forward and move PAST your excuses….
I ain’t trying to preach so I’ll keep it short and sweet so you can think about that….
Keep grinding, it’s all u got….
PS - If you want a step by step video training course that will show you how to market yourself and your beats the RIGHT way, click here