New Opportunity To Become A Skillful, Experienced Producer By Working With Us Personally Get Started NOW!

why my struggle & pain = ur gain

I grinded for this..

the grind is mandatory...

they say the rent on "Success" is do every - day.

make no mistake about it

i'm good at producing

i'm also good at a lot of other things

what's most important in becoming successful is consistency and work ethic

if you don't grind, then you don't eat

people will try and convince you otherwise

I wouldn't be able to mislead you

that's not the type of person I am

there's no shortcuts

there is no way around the hard work of




There's nothing that replaces that...

until you do, you will suffer...

you will doubt yourself...

you'll feel hopeless...

you might even get confused along the way...

things will happen that will set you back EVEN FURTHER...

what if I told you those were the dues you have to pay....

those are the dues that are mandatory...

a lot of people only see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to someone else's success...

they don't see the sleepless nights....

the all nighters....

the setbacks...

the drama....

the pain...

they just see the touchdown and the celebration....

they don't see the other 99 yards....

and they certainly don't see that LAST yard, which is OFTEN,

the hardest of them all....

my goal is to get you focused...

my goal is to be able to communicate to you in such a way that you TAKE ACTION.

that's what it's all about...

the execution....

i'm happy to be that for you...

i'm blessed to be that for you....

it actually feels like the journey has been worth it....

if only so I can have a platform to reach you and motivate you to go after your dreams...

you can make it and you have talent...there's no question about that...

what you need to do now is put it all together...

your music...


and your ability to sell your beats....

even the merchant that's a painter in the small town in the middle east has 

to know how to sell their art...

it's not something to be overlooked...

focus on sales and you're income will increase by a lot...

at first I used to run from sales....

I was scared of sales....

and then I realized it was critical....


I read books .....

one of the books that stuck with me most over the years was 

"What they don't teach you at Business School"

I loved that book...

my older brother had it in his bookcase.....

I read it at an early age and I think it had a profound impact on my whole life...

that's a magic of knowledge...

it can be put you in a different space mentally that causes you to grow....

invest in your education.... 

the more you learn the more you earn.....


Ps - If you're ready to invest in your ability to sell your beats, then my course titled:
Cras - Ultimate Beat Sales Formula will be a perfect fit for you and it will show you how to 

level up your beat sales like never before!  Click Here To Get It Right Now!